Thriving in the New Normal
In the fall and winter of 2020 - 2021, HPI offered a class on Thriving in the New Normal, in English and Spanish.
According to the CDC, “Fear and anxiety about [Covid-19] can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety.”
HPI offered a series of 4 online workshops addressing the “New Normal,” using games, role plays, and scenarios to help people engage with each other and the material. These workshops were designed to be accessible and relatable for everyone dealing with the challenges of the New Normal.
This class was offerd free as a gratitude offering to our community.
Module One: Mourning the Old Normal
Regular activities curtailed or non-existent
Socialization can now include dread and guilt
Loneliness and isolation vs connection and engagement
Module Two: Shifting to a Virtual Life​
Setting boundaries and achieving work-life balance
Avoiding time wasters and catastrophizing websites
Dividing up devices, bandwidth, and attention
Module Three: Surmounting the Technology Learning Curve
Overcoming Frustration
Acknowledging capacity
Asking for help
Achieving competence
Module Four: Stress Busters in the New Normal
Small Powerful Practices
Finding sanctuary in your own home
The Power of Humor
Integrating new strategies